Note: The rankings provided here use publication and affiliation information given by authors within their ORCID record. Authors are encouraged to add their publications and validate their affiliation at P-Rank: a publication ranking.

Uni P-Rank: a publication ranking of universities

Uni P-Rank is a publication ranking for universities and other research institutions. It provides several rankings based on different journal lists used to quantify the quality of articles. A description how Uni P-Rank evaluates institutional publication output can be found in the Methodology section.

Uni P-Rank provides multiple versions of each ranking, where in each version only those articles which have been published since a particular year are considered. Similarly, Uni P-Rank allows to restrict the ranking to certain regions and countries.

Please select one of the below rankings available in Uni P-Rank.

Evaluate publications with co-author bonus (see Methodology): • Publications are evaluated with co-author bonus (see Methodology):
Only consider articles published since: • Only those articles are considered which are published since:
Only consider institutions in the following regions and countries:

• If no countries or regions are listed below, all institutions are considered. Otherwise, only institutions in the following regions and countries are considered:


Please select a ranking from above list to see the results.


Metadata from Crossref logo

The results below show the ranks of institutions within the selected region or countries.

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For each research institution, Uni P-Rank determines a score by summing up the author scores of all scholars affiliated to the institution. The author scores are calculated by determining for all articles published by the author, the journal score in the selected ranking multiplied with

and, if the result is positive, it is added to the total score of the author. Here, "authors" is the number of co-authors of the article, and "bonus" is the co-author bonus specified above. This means that with a co-author bonus of 0, the journal score is divided by the number of authors, and with a co-author bonus of 100, the full journal score is awarded regardless of the number of co-authors. With a co-author bonus of -100, only single-authored publications are counted.

The journals in the list with their respective scores are shown below:


  1. Uni P-Rank is based on the data of P-Rank: a publication ranking and uses affiliation information provided by authors within their ORCID record. Consequently, it does not maintain a complete list of all relevant institutions, affiliated scholars, and publications, and will never be able to achieve completeness.
  2. Institutions are encouraged to ensure that the affiliation data can be found in the respective ORCID record of all affiliated authors. Authors can add their employment manually. Alternatively, authors can allow a trusted individual to update their record. ORCID member institutions can add affiliations to ORCID records using the ORCID API or affiliation manager. To ensure that publications of affiliated authors are considered by Uni P-Rank, authors are encouraged to connect their ORCID iD in the Profile section of P-Rank: a publication ranking. Authors have the possibility to opt-out of P-Rank while still ensuring that their publications contribute to the institution score of Uni P-Rank.of the P-Rank webpage.
  3. Uni P-Rank seeks to maintain up-to-date information concerning the publication output of institutions, however, Uni P-Rank does not perpetually poll ORCID for updates. Thus, there might be a delay in obtaining information about new articles.
  4. If you are referring to Uni P-Rank, please cite it as:
    Goel, Asvin (), Uni P-Rank: a publication ranking of universities, available online at
    If you are referring to the selected ranking, please cite it as:
    Goel, Asvin (), Uni P-Rank: a publication ranking of universities, , available online at , retrieved:

Ⓒ Asvin Goel

Contact: Prof. Asvin Goel, Kühne Logistics University, Großer Grasbrook 17, 20457 Hamburg, Germany, Phone: +49 40 328707-0, Email: